Monday, January 19, 2009

Cake Decorating Graduation :-)

It's soooo cold here in Atlanta! The high is in the 30s today! I might get out of work tomorrow...40% chance of snow tonight! Woo hoo! I'd love to be able to stay home and watch the whole innaguration tomorrow, instead of just the swearing in with my kids :-)
I finished the 2nd class of Wilton Cake decorating. I loved it! Here's my "graduation" cake :-) We have been working on the flowers throughout the 4 classes. I'm so excited w/ how it turned out! I was going to start the next course tonight, but I've decided to put it off a a little bit! It's the gum paste course and the starting supplies were going to cost a hundred dollars! So...since I haven't been paid since December 19th...ugh...plz end of month get here!!!, I decided to hold off for a bit. I also want to concentrate on going to the gym for awhile.

I had my first wellness coach appt last week. I'm sooo impressed with the YMCA! I meet with the coach once a month for the first 6 months. She got me started on a plan, targeting areas that I wanted and she'll adjust it when she meets with me again :-) Love the little computer system they have going! You sign in your code and it tells you what weight you lifted last time, what to adjust the foot/seat to, etc. I love that it has a little bar that goes up and down with your reps. That way...if you cheat and don't go all the way to the top and to the bottom, the rep doesn't count :-) He he...And of course I would never try to cheat.....
Well, I'm off to grade papers :-) Hopefully, I'll be playing in the snow tomorrow! xoxo, Jill


Connie @ Sensible-Redesign said...

The cake is beautiful Jill. Good luck with the YMCA :)

Anonymous said...

Jill! That cake rocks! I really like the colors you used. =) Very spring-like.

I'm really excited that you like the Y as much as I do! I haven't tried their electronic system at my location yet but I heard everyone loves it because it's like a "game"! I'll have to try it out, good for you- it totally intimidated me, I thought I wouldn't understand it!
