Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Resolutions

Usually I think that making a new years resolution is a crock, just an excuse to indulge in vices at the end of year. However, I've decided to make a few myself this year. No...not the cliched working out one (though I do plan to do that..thanx for the YMCA tip Stacie). My new years resolution is to spend more quiet time with myself and leisurely activities. I feel like I flew through college w/o appreciating much, then was so busy moving 2000 miles from home and getting used to GA, then trying to survive my first couple years teaching, and finally almost went insane doing grad school and teaching. I feel it's finally time to slow down. I resolve to start writing again. I used to love writing stories, poems, and in a journal every night. I don't remember the last time I sat down to write for fun, instead of a school assignment. I resolve to spend quiet time knitting and sewing. I resolve to spend time playing my wii, which I completely enjoy, but never seem to make enough time to do. And finally, I resolve to work on some puzzles during the year. I haven't put together a puzzle in 20 years and I worked on one in California with my family. It was so nice to just relax and do a quiet activity. I've never been a person that enjoys life unless there's a million things going on at once and I'm stretched competely thin. So, Happy New Year, and here is to some quiet leisurely time!
xoxo, Jill

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