Monday, November 24, 2008

odds and ends....

I took a sewing class at Joannes on Saturday morning! It was sewing 101 so obviously very basic!! And basic is what I needed, considering I had never even sat down at a sewing machine, let alone use one. There were 8 women in my class. I was 2nd to youngest...the youngest was a little 16 year old that made me laugh...guess what she wants to be when she grows up? A fashion designer...I swear that every 16 year old girl seems to want to be a fashion designer. Products of growing up on Project Runway?? :-) Anyways, everyone had a machine except me, but they had one you were able to check out. We learned the basic functions of the machine and then we had to practice sewing a seam. Of course I had to pick out the adorable doggy fabric! Everyone else had boring solid colors...ugh! Then we learned how to turn...but oops...I went right off the end of the fabric before I pivoted. I got "stuck" twice and the intructor had to pull the mound of fabric out that was under. She thought it was the machine since they often get beat up in class. However, I s.ecretly suspect it was my lack of sewing finesse. :-) So, we just practiced a bunch of stitches, cutting out patterns, etc. Then she gave us a tour of the fabric section and looked at good beginner patterns etc and what kind of fabric is for what. Guess what! I can make some totally cute handbags and the instructor says they're even good to start with since they don't have to be fitted! Woo Hoo! I'm soooo going to learn to sew now! Shawn was so cute. He picked me up from the class and before I'd even finished telling him about the class, he told me he'd already looked up sewing machines on craigs list for me. What a sweetie!
I truly feel like I have the greatest job in the world!! I don't know how many other people get the satisfaction of looking at someone, explaining something, and seeing the realization of understanding hit their eyes. I spent 15 minutes going over the greenhouse effect last week. Well, on several worksheets later that day, in regard to the question, "Explain the greenhouse effect," I got answers like, "You grow things in it." Hmmm...obviously not my best moment. So I reflected and tried again. I brought an apple, wax paper, and my hair dryer. I told them apple was Earth, the wax paper was the atmosphere (I wrapped the apple) and then we talked about being able to get through the atmosphere. We poked holes in the paper to demonstrate this and then I created heat from the hairdrying. I had kids put their hand under the "atmosphere" at and find out if it was warm...if the heat was "trapped" in the atmosphere. And THEY GOT IT! Seeing the light go off and the understanding in their eyes as they explained the greenhouse effect is the most awesome feeling!

Today, I got branded "the coolest teacher ever" as we were talking about different types of clouds. Per the pic, you'll see why. Woo hoo...shaving cream clouds! :-)

I absolutely am in love with the book series, "Twilight!" Shawn took me to see the movie this weekend. OMG...I loved it!!! My teacher ergirlfriends and I all talked about it today. Shawn got a little jealous of my obsessive talking about Edward (the main male character) on the way home and I had to assure him that it was just a book character and I loved him (being Shawn) the most :-) I totally want to see the movie girlfriends...if any of you want to see it, I'm totally there!! But wow, did I feel old there! These teenagers seeing looked like they were 10! And right when I think I'm in a totally cute outfit, I see them and realize that my totally cute outfit is SO adult looking!

I'm about to take down my fall decorating to change to Christmas. Here are some pics of my fall theme. I can't believe I'm about to decorate for Christmas!!

I have to recommend an awesome movie I saw this weekend. Shawn had recommended it and to be honest, the first 5 minutes, I was like, "WTH is this?" It turned out to be absolutely amazing and I am so looking forward to watching it again. It's called V for Vendetta and I won't give away everything, but it calls out sooo much of how I feel about people and the world. It's set in London in the near future and in the city, a "moral and just" gov't has been created, where they have ALL encompassing power over people's civil liberties and rights. Gay people are hunted down, jailed, and experimented on. The news is completely contolled by the gov't. People cannot choose what tv programs or music to watch. There is no such thing as free speech or freedom of religion. It was such a sad commentary on the world and it is something I fear so much because of right wing fundamentalists. In the movie, there is a beautiful love story told about 2 women. For 3 years, they had roses, then the gov't imprisoned and murdered them for being "morally corupt." Anyways, as the story unfolds, the main character opens her eyes and realizes what a horrible world the "good, moral" people have created, with the help of a masked character. It's a wonderful movie and if you get a chance to see it, I'd highly recommend it. But if it affects you as it did me, have kleenex next to you.
I am off to cake decorating class. I'll post pics of my masterpiece later!! xoxo, Jill

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